I'm taking some time off right now to do a Master's degree through Harvard Extension, and I'm also taking multiple classes through Coursera, EdX, Kennedy School ExecEd, UC Irvine, etc. Everything from educational policy & leadership to quantitative research & data analysis to non-profit management & financial accounting. This blog is a place for me to collect my learnings from this adventure I'm on! Most of the time, I'll just be cutting and pasting from various assignments or papers to be able to easily reference them later, but sometimes I'll do specific blog posts knitting my thoughts together from the different coursework. :-)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Assignment 2 for Social Entrepreneurship - Logic Model, Beneficiary Experience Table, and Deliverables Table

I am working on a social enterprise supporting early math learning for preschool children in the US.  I've attached the logic model for our initiative.

Our Beneficiary Experience Table... from the perspective of family of the preschool child
- enroll child in preschool that is participating in the program
- hear about the family math nights from the preschool and our program
- arrange to have the evening available
- find transportation to the school
- attend the family math night
- be instructed in how to play the games
- bring the early math games home
- find time to spend with child
- play early math games during that parent-child time

Our Beneficiary Experience Table... from the perspective of the preschool where the child is enrolled.
- hear about the early math initiative
- connect with our program and arrange to be a participating school
- create time in the school day for the volunteers to come in and play games with the children
- find a suitable time and location for the family game nights
- coordinate with our program for the family game night logistics
- support the volunteers in interacting with the families during game night
- maintain contact with the families to support continued use of the early math games at home

Our Deliverables Table...
- Collect the research about which games are most effective
- Create the curriculum and actual game materials
- Market and use social media to reach out to preschools and families to participate
- Recruit volunteers to go to the preschools and to do family game nights
- Train the volunteers in using the research-backed games
- Coordinate the logistics of the volunteers going to the preschools
- Coordinate the logistics of the family game nights
- Follow up with preschools and families to encourage continued game playing
- Create online videos of best practices in early math activities

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