I'm taking some time off right now to do a Master's degree through Harvard Extension, and I'm also taking multiple classes through Coursera, EdX, Kennedy School ExecEd, UC Irvine, etc. Everything from educational policy & leadership to quantitative research & data analysis to non-profit management & financial accounting. This blog is a place for me to collect my learnings from this adventure I'm on! Most of the time, I'll just be cutting and pasting from various assignments or papers to be able to easily reference them later, but sometimes I'll do specific blog posts knitting my thoughts together from the different coursework. :-)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Find A Mission Statement

Initial 'assignment' for NonProfit Management - find a mission statement (or several) for a nonprofit to analyze in the next class.

I was just looking online for educational non-profits, and found this webpage with many organizations - and their mission statements!

I'm most interested in early education, so Jumpstart is one non-profit that I follow.  I actually couldn't find a specific mission statement on their current website, but based on a web search, it seems as if their (previous?) mission statement is...
"Jumpstart's mission is to ensure that all children in American enter school prepared to succeed. Year-round, Jumpstart recruits and trains thousands of college students and community volunteers to work with preschool children in low-income neighborhoods, helping them to develop the language, literacy, and social skills they need to succeed in school and in life."  In their blog posts, they mention a shorter mission of "to work toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed"

I'm also interested in educational leadership, so I've started looking at New Leaders.  Their mission and vision are front and center on their webpage...
"Our mission is to ensure high academic achievement for all children, especially students in poverty and students of color, by developing transformational school leaders and advancing the policies and practices that allow great leaders to succeed.
VISION - We envision a day when there is educational excellence and equity in America – when our country’s public schools ensure that every student is prepared for success in college, careers and citizenship."

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