I'm taking some time off right now to do a Master's degree through Harvard Extension, and I'm also taking multiple classes through Coursera, EdX, Kennedy School ExecEd, UC Irvine, etc. Everything from educational policy & leadership to quantitative research & data analysis to non-profit management & financial accounting. This blog is a place for me to collect my learnings from this adventure I'm on! Most of the time, I'll just be cutting and pasting from various assignments or papers to be able to easily reference them later, but sometimes I'll do specific blog posts knitting my thoughts together from the different coursework. :-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Teaching Arithmetic HW#2

Problem 1 – Part a) The 'magic' trick involves choosing a single digit number (by picking an item and using the number of letters in its name), multiplying by 5, adding 3, multiplying by 2, and then adding a second single digit number. Then by subtracting 6, you can find the two original numbers – the tens digit will be the first number, and the ones digit will be the second number.

From an algebraic perspective, the whole ordeal boils down to 2(5x + 3) + y, which simplifies to 10x + y + 6, where x is the first number and y is the second number chosen. Hence after subtracting 6, it becomes 10x + y, so as long as x and y are single-digit numbers, this is the same as a two digit number with x as the tens digit and y as the ones digit. To explain this to a 6th or 7th grader, I would walk them through each step...

* pick x
* becomes 5x
* becomes 5x + 3
* becomes 2(5x + 3) = 10x + 6 – this step would probably take extra time to show how the two ends up multiplying to both the original 5x and the plus 3, to become '10x plus 6'. Might have to work through several numerical examples to help show the distributive property, while pointing out that number is always six more than the original number times ten.
* becomes 10x + 6 + y
* then we need to subtract six to get 10x + y
* 10x + y gives us our two original numbers – depending on the student's understanding of place value, this step might also take some extra explaining to help them see that the tens digit and the ones digit of a two digit number can also be represented as 10x + y

Problem 1 – Part b) So if we want to change the 'magic' trick so that we need to add 8 at the end, rather than subtract 6, then we want our final equation to boil down to 10x + y – 8. Working backwards, then we need the intermediate equation to be 2(5x – 4) + y, so in the telling of the trick, we would need to have the person subtract 4 in the middle, instead of adding 3.

Problem 2 – My own math magic problem! Blatantly stolen from... http://www.pedagonet.com/Maths/missingnumber.htm

Have your subject write down a number, at least four digits long. Then have them add up the digits in their number, and subtract that amount from their original number. Now in this new number, they cross out one of the digits, any digit. Then they tell you what the number is without the digit they crossed out (the webpage says to have them slowly read you the digits, but I think we can manage fine if they tell us the number, plus then it's less obvious that you're doing something with the digits). In your head, add up the digits off the number they give you and figure out what you would have to add to get to the next multiple of nine. That's the digit that they crossed out!

Example... first number 13579. Digits add up to 25, so we subtract 13579 – 25 to get 13554.
Now cross off a digit in 13554 to get 1554. The digits of 1554 add up to 15, so we would need 3 to get to 18 (the next multiple of nine). Hence your friend crossed off a 3. You found the secret number! :-)

But why does it work? (which is not explained on the website I stole the problem from)

1) Whenever you add up the digits of a number and then subtract them from the number, you'll get a multiple of nine. Why? Because of powers of ten and place value. Let's say we have a number with digits a, b, c, d, e – then the number could be seen as 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e. So if we subtract off the sum of the digits, we get 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e – (a + b + c + d + e) or 9999a + 999b + 99c + 9d, which will always be divisible by 9. (I figured this out with help from google and http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/62561.html)

2) Now that you have a number that's divisible by nine, the sum of its digits will always be divisible by nine, because of the magic power of nines! I've known this particular 'trick' for a while, but never really thought about why it works. So more googling... http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/67061.html

If we have a number with digits a, b, c, d, e that is already divisible by nine, then by place value, again we could see the number as 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e, or we could also think of it as (a + 9999a) + (b + 999b) + (c + 99c) + (d + 9d) + e, or as (a + b + c + d + e) + (9999a + 999b + 99c + 9d). So the original number (which is divisible by nine) is the sum of the digits plus a number divisible by nine. If we rearrange the 'equation' to get, we get that the sum of the digits equals the original number (which is divisible by nine) plus another number divisible by nine. We can factor out the nine from those two numbers to see that the sum of the digits must also be divisible by nine.

3) So we have a number that we know is divisible by nine, and hence the sum of its digits is divisible by nine, then if we don't add in one of the digits (the secret number), we can figure it out by seeing what we would have needed to still add in order to get a multiple of nine.

Problem 3 – The alphanumeric puzzle!
I enjoyed doing these types of problems as a kid in the book - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideways_Arithmetic_from_Wayside_School

The book had some problems with numbers written as words, where it would work out to another number (written as a word), but I can't remember any of them now, so I used the app to come up with...


Ok, let me try to solve it without using the app...

So first some observations...
* E + E = O so O is even.
* There needs to be a carry over onto the T, so that T + carry = H (because if there was no carry, then T would equal H, which we can't have). And there also needs to be a carry over onto the H in three, so that H + carry = I for the same reason. And in the addition of two numbers, the largest (and only) carry we can have is one. So T + 1 = H and H + 1 = I, and thus T + 2 = I. Or we can think of T, H, and I as consecutive numbers.

Let's try some possibilities...
* E can't be 9, because if E was 9, then 9 + 9 = 18, O = 8 and carry the one, then 1 + E + N = P,
or 1 + 9 + N = P, but that's 10 + N = P, which would make N & P be the same digit (and carry the one), but each letter is a unique digit, so E can't be 9.
* What if E equals 8? Then O = 6.
* What if N equals 9, then P would be 8 – but E is already 8, so NOT CORRECT
* What if N equals 7, then P would be 6 – but O is already 6, so NOT CORRECT
* What if N equals 5, then P would be 4, and then 1 + R + 6 = 4 (or rather 14), which makes
R equal 7. But then H, I, and T end up being small numbers, which won't result in two carries.
Hmm... maybe I need to try large numbers for H, I , and T. Oh yeah, in order for there to be that second carry, H has to be 9 – duh.
* Ok, H = 9, so then I = 0, and T = 8. So far we have...
* Let's go back to trying values for E... E can't be 9 or 8 because H & T are 9 and 8.
* What if E equals 7? Then O = 4.
* What if N = 6, then P would be 4 – but O is already 4, so NOT CORRECT
* What if N = 5, then P would be 3, then R would be 8 – but T is already 8, so NOT CORRECT
* What if N = 3, then P would be 1, then R would be 6... I think that works! :-)

So T = 8, H = 9, R = 6, E = 7, O = 4, N = 3, P = 1, I = 0
89677 + 437 = 90114 YES!
Problem 4 – Which is bigger, cube root of 24 or the fraction 10/3?
* Well, the cube root of 24 is going to be a little bit under 3, because 3 cubed is 27. And 10/3 is over 3 because 9/3 would be 3. So therefore 10/3 > (24)^(1/3)
* Or we could think about getting fractions with common denominators. To make the cube root of 24 into a fraction with three on the bottom, we need to multiply the top and the bottom by 3. So then we can just compare the tops of the fractions – which is bigger, 3*cube root of 24 or 10? The cube root of 24 is less than three so 3 times less than three will give us less than nine. And ten is bigger than nine, so again therefore 10/3 > (24)^(1/3)
* Or if we don't like having a silly cube root, then we can cube both of the numbers (since neither one is negative, we'll be ok in keeping the same number bigger even after we cube). So now, which is bigger, 24 or (10/3)^3? Well, (10/3)^3 is 1000/9, which is kinda a yucky fraction still. We could do some quick long division, and get about 111, which is a lot bigger than 24, and hence again therefore 10/3 > (24)^(1/3)

Problem 5 – What is two?
We often think of two as referring to two of similar objects. When we're first having kids learn to count, we place two crackers in front of them, and say “one, two... two crackers”. But two can apply to all sorts of different objects – and the two don't have to be similar. We can have 'two things', which are not similar, except in their thingness. And children have to learn that the two objects are still two, even if we move them around or change the objects to different objects.
Two is also the number that comes after one, and the number that comes before three. Some children first learn the rote counting without the actual correspondence to physical objects, and for them, two is just the second syllable in the verbal string that they sing when asked to count to ten... 'onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten'.
Two can also apply to two groups of objects, such as when kids start to learn multiplication. Here, the total is much more than two objects, but we can divide the objects into two groups – and we could also start a discussion about evenness. Or a discussion of fractions... 4/2 = 2, 8/4 = 2, etc.
Two can also be a measurement - a counting off along a continuous dimension, rather than a counting of two discrete objects. Then we start thinking of where two fits in with decimals – it's not just bigger than 1, it's bigger than 1.9.
Two can also be a numeral. In base ten, it can represent 2*10 in 320
Problem 6 – Part A - One of your students can't understand why division by zero is undefined. He thinks 0 divided by 0 should equal 0, explaining that "if you have nothing and you divide it by nothing, then why don't you end up with nothing?"
* But maybe 0 divided by 0 should equal 1, because don't we 'know' that any number divided by itself is one?
* Or what if we let 0/0 = x, then if we move things around, we get 0 * x = 0. So x could be 3 or 4 or 10 million or pi – we could put any number in and zero times the number would equal zero. So therefore 0 divided by 0 equals all numbers?
* Or what if we think of division as repeated subtraction? Eight divided by two can be thought as how many times do you need to subtract two from eight to get to nothing. So how many times do you need to subtract zero from zero to get to nothing? True, zero times works, but so does once, twice, and any number of times. So again we get 0/0 equals any number?
So we call 0/0 undefined and indeterminate because we can't determine the answer.

Problem 6 – Part B - Another of your students says that not only is zero an additive identity (i.e. that zero plus any number gives you back that number), but that zero is also an identity with respect to subtraction.
* The student is correct in that zero subtracted from any number results in the same number, just as in the additive identity where zero added to any number results in the same number. Although we don't usually talk about a subtractive identity. Perhaps because subtraction can be thought of as addition of a negative number? So subtracting zero is like adding a negative zero? But what does negative zero mean? Or maybe we don't talk about a subtractive identity because the subtraction is not commutative? A + B = B + A, but A – B doesn't equal B – A. So A + 0 = 0 + A, but A – 0 = A while 0 – A = -A.

Interestingly, some of the early math research does refer to A + 0 = A as the subtractive identity...

Problem 7 – Reaction to article...

Coming from a cognitive science/education/language background, I knew most of the experiments mentioned in the article, although hadn't heard of that particular culture. The log-linear aspect of learning is actually very important in early math, and seems to be a predictor of math ability - “Moreover, those children who were able to correctly estimate numbers' positions tended to score higher on the math portion of the Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition.” http://www.apa.org/monitor/nov05/linear.aspx
Research shows that playing board games can help to move young children from log to linear...
And it works better if the teacher/parent helps the child to use 'counting on' language...

I was away on a camping vacation right before the fall term started – away from internet & technology, away from society, away from numbers – at least in some ways. Like the indigenous people, I told time by the sun – if a friend asked what time it was, I said morning, midday, afternoon, evening, or night. I didn't do much counting, but I also didn't feel like I was being 'productive'. Obviously we need numbers to function in the society that we have now – numbers are needed to create the words that I am typing on this screen, although in some sense, it's all zeros and ones, so maybe we don't need the higher numbers? :-)

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